Weeks Review into W/C 17th October 2022-Post CPI Collapse
Notable Tweets All images can be found on my Twitter feed in high resolution. Please let me know if you have issues much appreciated.
Weeks Review into W/C 10th October 2022-Post NFP Collapse
Notable Tweets All images can be found on my Twitter feed in high resolution. Please let me know if you have issues much appreciated.
Weeks Review into W/C 3rd October 2022-Post EOQ
Notable Tweets All images can be found on my Twitter feed in high resolution. Please let me know if you have issues much appreciated. UPDATE:
Weeks Review into W/C 26nd September 2022-Post FOMC 75bp, BOE
Notable Tweets All images can be found on my Twitter feed in high resolution. Please let me know if you have issues much appreciated. UPDATE:
Weeks Review into W/C 22nd August 2022-Jackson Hole
All images can be found on my Twitter feed in high resolution. Please let me know if you have issues much appreciated. UPDATE:
Weeks Review into W/C 8th August 2022
All images can be found on my Twitter feed in high resolution. Please let me know if you have issues much appreciated. UPDATE:
Weeks Review into W/C 25th July 2022
All images can be found on my Twitter feed in high resolution. Please let me know if you have issues much appreciated. UPDATE:
Weeks Review into W/C 18th July 2022
All images can be found on my Twitter feed in high resolution. Please let me know if you have issues much appreciated. UPDATE:
Debriefing Tuesday 30th June, Month End and Todays Journal
Quote Of the Day Trade Well And Prosper. BT